Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Wabbajack!

I definitely need to import this magical item from the world of the Elder Scrolls to my campaign.

You are now alone in the darkness...

Ah ah! I was gifted the Turn Tracker, which will now help me keep track of torches, wandering monsters and the like. The days of the ever-burning torches are now over!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Low-Mid Levels Modules

Here is a list of modules targeted at around 4 to 6 adventurers of level 3 to 5 that seem feasible to run in a over-lunch format. I might use some of those once we're done with the Wheel of Evil. If anyone's reading this and has some good suggestions, post them in the comments.
  • Ursined, Sealed & Delivered
  • The Labyrinth Tomb of the Minotaur Lord (Knockspell #3)
  • Skull Mountain
  • The Grinding Gear ?!?
  • The Lost Staves of Maurath
  • Charnel Crypt of the Sightless Serpent (Knockspell #1) -- Pushes the level limit a bit.

RPG Over Lunch

Well, we restarted the role-playing game over lunch at work this week.
I decided to go back to Labyrinth Lord mainly because I was running a module for it which referred a lot to page numbers in the core book, thus easier to use on the fly with the correct system. Speaking of Labyrinth Lord I told my thief player that I would use the Find and Remove Traps rule as written. Which basically means that it is a trap radar. We'll see how it goes.

At least one player wanted to play things a bit differently than my usual low-level meat-grinding style of play. So instead of making things easier for them, I asked them to create higher level characters. The game will progress at the same pace as ever but at least the players will have characters with more options available to them. They will be facing the dangers of the Wheel of Evil module by Jeff Sparks. It was highly recommended on Grognardia so I purchased the PDF and I'm eager to see how they'll unravel the mysteries of the cheese caves.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Among the Stars

Here is the intro for a sci-fi/space opera Play-by-Post game that will probably never be. It is copied here so I will not loose it.

You awake to the familiar hum of the faster than light drive gently resonating across the ship's hull. As a crew member of the Leviathan-class Testimony of a New Age trading starship, you quickly prepare yourself for your daily duties. Be it in engineering, cargo and inventory control, environmental, crew support or even bridge staff, your work is essential to the ships normal functioning and will allow one of your fellow crewman his turn at a well deserved rest.

The Testimony is quite an old starship. One of the first long range trading vessels built by humans when they discovered FTL drive technology, it is now considered an obsolete design that is far from the modern standards of performance or rentability. Though it is on its last leg, it is still used for certain tasks your employer, Distant Worlds Trading Co., deems profitable. For many months at a time, it is also your home.

As you go down the many halls of the ship you reach your section and are briefed on the latest events:

In Engineering, chief engineer Bill Roddon puts you up to speed on the status of the in-system drive. It seems that it still has a power loss of 37%. Unacceptable if they want to deliver the current cargo to their next client on time.

In Inventory Control, cargo master Gary Toran asks of you to triple verify that the next's client cargo is complete and ready for delivery in hold 7, 12 and 18. An error at this step could delay the unloading procedure once at the starport.

The Environmental section first, Val Setts wants you to run simulations with eight more passengers. The Testimony already houses 36 crewman and though it is specced for 50, Val wants a complete report with air quality impact and water usage for the Captain to peruse.

The Crew Support staff encompass security guards, janitors, cooks, nurse and any other jobs revolving around the well being of the ship's crew. Depending on your job, you might help at the infirmary with a minor injury, cook the next meal for 36 crew members, patrol the halls and review the profiles of the eight new passengers that should embark soon or clean the mess hall before the next shift change. For more instruction, report to your section first, Bakar Long.

As a junior officer on the Bridge, the Captain Jonathan Sinclair requires a complete report on your next destination, Sigma C7. He is especially interested by the duration of the in-system flight (especially if the drive isn't back a hundred percent) and possible threats during that period.

You reach your post and prepare to commence your work shift, what do you do?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

So What's Next for the Adventurers?

As I slowly prepare to re-awaken my S&W game at work, I've started to think about the possible adventure hooks I would make available to them in the great city of Dolmvay.

  • Investigate the destruction of the village of Larm.
  • A messenger from Stormcrow Keep looks for help in the Borderlands (The Keep on the Borderlands).
  • Hear rumours from merchants that there is trouble brewing in the Floon Valley (The Font of Glee).
  • A sage is mounting an expedition to travel to the polar coasts (Ursined, Sealed & Delivered).
  • Xill Vuntos, tavern keeper of the Silvery Eel has a rat problem (Rats in the Walls, Knockspell #4).

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Shepherd's Bow

Shepherd's Bow (Magic Item): A Shepherd's bow is made by a master bowyer from a Treant wooden heart, killing the creature in the process.
Each wooden arrow fired through the bow strikes with the strength of the treant used to create the it.
Once, the bow can be planted in the ground and will transform back, over a round, in the treant he once was a part of. The treant will fight for the bow's last wielder for one turn before life leaves him forever.
The bow, of course, is lost in the transformation.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Campaign's Gandalf

This is a work in progress post about a powerful wandering Wizard that I want to include in my campaigns' worlds.

Name: ??? (has many)
HD: 18 (Magic-User Level 18?)
Hit Points: 18d4 or 18d8 like a monster?
AC: 3 (with Ring of Protection other magical stuff)
Alignment: Neutral or Lawful?


  • Staff of Wizardry (?? charges remaining)
  • Ring of Protection From Normal Missiles
  • Ring of Protection +4
  • Amulet of Mind Blank
  • Wand of Enemy Detection (may be part of backstory and growth to power)

  1. All level 1 spells
  2. All level 2 spells
  3. All level 3 spells
  4. Mass Morph, ...
  5. ...
  6. Disintegrate, ...
  7. Charm Plants, Conjuration of Demons, Delayed Blast Fireball, Power Word Stun
  8. Borrowed Time (Eldritch Weirdness), Mind Blank, Monster summoning VI, Permanency
  9. Gate, Maze

Monday, April 11, 2011

S&W Barbarian Class

Let's fire up the blog with something both useful and related to the blog's title. So here is my latest take on the Barbarian class for the Swords & Wizardry role-playing game. Update (2011-06-02): Fits-in more in S&W Core Rules.

Minimum Scores (if used): Strength 12, Dexterity 12, Constitution 12
Prime Attribute: Strength, Dexterity and Constitution all at 13+ (+5% experience bonus).
Hit Dice: d10
Armor/Shield Permitted: No armor, shield allowed.
Weapons Permitted: All.
Race: Only humans may be Barbarians.

About Barbarians:
Alignment: All Barbarians must be either Neutral or Chaotic in alignment.
Saving Throw Penalty: Barbarians fear magic and sorcerous dealings for good reasons. They receive a penalty of -4 on all saving throw rolls against spells, including spells from magic wands and staffs.
Strength Bonus: Barbarians have access to the higher strength bonuses like Fighters do.
Magic Items: The only magic items they can use are weapons and shields, not even potions as they refuse to ingest the thing.
Followers: Barbarians may not hire or accept followers of any kind, not even lantern-bearers or servants.

Barbarian Class Abilities:
Follow Through: When a Barbarian kills an enemy in melee combat, he can make another attack at another enemy in melee range. If that enemy dies, the pattern continues.
Alertness: A Barbarian is unlikely to be surprised, with only a 1 in 6 chance.
Outdoor Tracking: Barbarians are good at tracking their preys or foes deep in the wilderness. The details of how the ability works are left to the Referee.
Healing: On any day, a Barbarian regain 1 hit point whether or not he took a day of rest. Note that the Barbarian still needs to sleep.
Improving Armor Class: Due to his speed, agility and survival instincts, a Barbarian's armor class improves by itself when he reaches a new level.
Travel Speed: A Barbarian's Movement Rate improves by itself when he reaches a new level. Also outdoor, a Barbarian can endure a forced march rhythm without the need for a forced march check.

LevelXP RequiredHit DiceArmor ClassSaving ThrowMovement Rate
10350,0009+3 hp0[19]521
11++100,000 per level+3 hp/level0[19]5+1 per level